Collins Get Ready for IELTS Writing
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make a start on your ielts preparation with collins get ready for ielts. this book gives you everything you need to improve your pre-intermediate writing skills for the ielts writing test. twelve units of carefully graded material for pre-intermediate students, all with clear examples four review units to check and consolidate key language and skills key ielts writing grammar and vocabulary in every unit exam tips and information 'watch out!' sections that highlight common errors in the ielts writing test complete ielts writing practice test, answer key and glossary providedsuitable for self-study and classroom use.
Thông số
Tác Giả : Fiona Aish & Jo Tomlinson
Sku : 9786048557935
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Collins Get Ready for IELTS Writing
Tin đã được kiểm duyệt nội dung
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Lưu ý: NÊN gặp mặt trực tiếp kiểm tra hàng trước khi giao dịch.
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