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Cambridge IELTS Intensive Training Speaking

Cambridge IELTS Intensive Training Speaking

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Mô tả

exam preparation is a vital period for candidates who wish to obtain an internationally recognised certificate, specifically the ielts one. such candidates will find it less stressful if they can have relevant and beneficial materials in hand. cambridge ielts intensive training speaking has been designed to meet your demand.as far as this book is concerned, it is arranged into 24 units with a total of five chapters whose themes centre upon the three parts of the ielts speaking test. especially, questions which are typical in the ielts speaking test are provided so that you can be well prepared for your actual test in the near future.  noticeably, the questions in the three parts are all followed by sample answers. moreover, lists of essential vocabulary after certain sections will undoubtedly help you with the most relevant lexical items you need to prepare for each particular topic area. it is suggested that you spend some time looking up the pronunciation and meaning of these new lexical items to be able to accurately express yourself in english at the right time.on completion of cambridge ielts intensive training speaking, you will be able to familiarise yourself with the format of the ielts speaking test, predict the examiner’s typical questions, equip yourself with numerous ideas for your answers in the test, apply useful tips in the ielts speaking test room, and gain a desired band score in your actual exam.

Thông số

Tác Giả : Foreign Language Teaching &Research Press

Sku : 9786045833612

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Cambridge IELTS Intensive Training Speaking

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Lưu ý: NÊN gặp mặt trực tiếp kiểm tra hàng trước khi giao dịch.
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Tên Người Dùng

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