TOEFL iBT Activator Reading Advanced
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toefl® ibt activator is a four-level test prep series, designed to develop reading, listening, speaking, writing and grammar skills for students who want to improve their score on the toefl® ibt. the series offers a wide range of english proficiency skills for beginners to advanced learners.toefl® ibt activator provides essential and accurate strategies for all types of toefl questions in the reading, listening, speaking and writing sections. it also offers step-by-step exercises to help test takers respond easily.toefl® ibt activator uses vocabulary, expressions and sentence structures appropriate for each level. the relative difficulties, passage lengths, and contents are subdivided into levels from the beginning to the expert.toefl® ibt activator is an effective language educational resource to prepare for toefl ibt. it provides various exercises, including progress and actual tests, vocabulary check-ups and other important learning tools.
Thông số
Tác Giả : YBM Sisa
Sku : 9786045826973
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TOEFL iBT Activator Reading Advanced
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