IELTS Listening Recent Actual Tests
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Mô tả
list of listening tests and their test datestest 1section 1: asking for moving servicesection 2: schedule of the annual conference on mastering computer languagessection 3: asking for advice on choosing coursessection 4: how to choose flooring materialstest 2section 1: booking a hotelsection 2: looking for volunteer workerssection 3: environmental change brought by farmingsection 4: insects and pest controltest 3section 1: returning the rice cookersection 2: a map of the university of new south walessection 3: discussion on issues in the marketing areasection 4: history of bikestest 4section 1: recyclingsection 2: how to make a résumésection 3: talking about what returning students should studysection 4: introduction on curriculum and facilities of wassamatta universitytest 5section 1 house rentingsection 2: waste sorting, collection, and disposalsection 3: asking about thesis requirementssection 4: austrila's water shortagetest 6section 1 asking for house cleaning servicesection 2: australian quarantine service in sydney airportsection 3: introduction on layout and facilities of a librarysection 4: desert crocodile in africa
Thông số
Tác Giả : New Channel International Education Group
Sku : 9786045837498
Từ khóa:
Sách học Tiếng Anh
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IELTS Listening Recent Actual Tests
Thông tin được tổng hợp từ nhà bán ngày 19-01-2025,
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